PB4L Cluster meeting 21/3/19
Dates for other meetings
Term 2-13.6.19 - hosting.
Term 3-5.9.19
Term 4-31.10.19
PB4L Conference, which will be held in Auckland on August 30th and 31st
Checking in 9.30-10.20
Things to think about…
- Do teachers know how to check/read/understand their own class data?? (Rather than being given whole class data)
- Is our reward system working? What can we add as an individual level, or even at the top level to make students care more? Get student voice. Do the kids value the reward? Do we need to change it (i..e NOT pizza lunch?). Get students to run surveys.
- Reward system
10.20 - school tour.
Data discussions
- Linda thinking about doing a ‘booster’ course for new PB4L team members who didn’t do training.
- SET - gives you overall implementation
- The Wellbeing survey - perception from student/community
- Teacher aide and office staff should be able to record student data on E-tap. WHEN. WHAT.