Tuesday, 16 June 2020

PB4L Achievements 2019-2020

I have been the PB4L Team Leader at my school since Jan 2019. That's a year and a half... 
So what have we achieved in this time? And where to next?

- High SET score
- BoQ done for the first time
- EBS done for the first time
- myself and Lou attended PB4L conference in 2019
- yellow posters redone
- staff handbook created
- student handbook created - to be used for newcomers club.
- school wide matrix renewed/updated annually
- Termly data reported every term. 
- Team member of the week - prizes by Rhonda.
- first TIPS completed at Tamaki
- house leaders elected by student nomination.
- restorative practise trainings with Lou
- PB4L wall created in school office

- house leaders elected by student nomination - set up routines for collecting/counting tokens, lunchtime sport etc.
- Officially moved to Tier 2 - access to $10,000 grant to use for PB4L purposes.
- Tier 2 team set up and started training with Linda
- having a teacher aide on the PB4L team in 2020 for the first time
- PB4L wall redone/updated 

- Team member of the week - prizes, certificates to the winner each week

- Ashley and Lou both cluster coaches in 2020 
- Termly data reported every term. Annual comparisons (2019-2020) done and shared with staff at beginning of year. 
- resources shared - sparklers, well-being resources during/after lockdown, etc. 
- Digital Badge Ed 
- Tier 1 team was supposed to attend PB4L conference (paid for out of PB4L budget) - however conference was cancelled due to COVID-19
- acknowledgements for certificate and badges for the first time

- PB4L during lockdown (t shirt challenge, movie challenge)

- new house points signage

- changed school values
School values in 2019
- Rangimarie
- Tukumarie
- Ako
- Whanaungatanga
- Manaakitanga

School values in 2020
- Ako
- Whanaungatanga
- Manaakitanga
- Mana Tangata
- Kaitiakitanga

 Teachers were also given support from Whaea Lee about what each of these mean in Maori context, to support and extend teachers understanding of what these words mean.

- permanent signage

Where to next? (Aim: by end of 2020).
 - finish staff/PB4l handbook/student handbook, get these printed by the end of Term 3. 
- school value displays at front of school and by Tripoli road. 
- ensure budget is set aside for 2021 (Tier 1 team to all attend PB4L conference)