Monday, 22 February 2016

First full day teaching by myself!

As you may have figured out by now, because I am an MDTA student in a single-cell classroom, I am actually co-teaching with my mentor teacher Archana. 
We are both in the classroom, teaching, all the time. 
Archana is away for two days, so today was the first FULL day I taught by myself..
(I have taught part days without her there, but not a full day.)

As said in a previous post, the students do act up for one teacher as they are now used to having two teachers... 
It was good!

I managed the class well, was able to let go of the plan and come up with something different when needed, and most importantly for me, I followed through with my behaviour management strategies (well needed, but they worked!). 

I think I did much better than I did last week for those part days, as I was knew what to expect from the students (i.e. their misbehaviour, and which students in particular it would be) and had more faith in myself that I could manage anything that was thrown at me.

I made the daily focus on team work, and threaded that throughout the day in everything I talked to the students about. It did work, and many of them learnt the word 'communication' today because of our extensive discussions. I'll try it again tomorrow and build upon it.

Well done me!


  1. Nice work Ashley - sounds like a fantastic day and great idea about having a theme for the day - I think I am going to try this out!

  2. Thanks Heath! Having a theme that I always related everything back to definitely made a difference. I have been referring to it today as well and the students are slowly getting it that our class is a team, and what that actually looks like in everyday life. Hope it works for you too! :)

  3. Thats awesome Ashley! I'm in the same boat and we have definitely had more misbehaviour when only one teacher has been in the room. Its great to hear you managed so well alone!

    1. Thanks Danni, yes although it was a bit difficult at times it was an awesome experience and a learning curve for me. Best of luck to you when you are by yourself 😊

    2. Thanks Danni, yes although it was a bit difficult at times it was an awesome experience and a learning curve for me. Best of luck to you when you are by yourself 😊

  4. I do like your reflection that it is probably because there is only one teacher in the room instead of the two they have become used to. I appreciate the glass half full perspective.

    1. Thanks Dorothy. Always got to keep positive 😊


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