Tuesday, 27 March 2018

PB4L meeting!

It was really interesting to see our whole-school data for this year so far.
Things we discussed
- we have more incidents per day compared to 2017, but we believe this is not actually reflective of more incidents this year, rather that teachers are better at recording the incidents when they happen.
- time of day - middle block, lunchtime and after lunch were the times when most things happen. We talked about a carry-on effect, where if something happened in the middle block, it would carry into lunch and then into the last block.
- location - some of the locations were not relevant to our school or not specific enough.
- the most common type of incident was various descriptions of kids being annoying (talking, not listening to the teacher, distracting others etc). This happens in the classroom.

We reflected that behaviour management in the classroom was our biggest issue. If that can be corrected, there might be less issues at lunch as well.

Data discussions Term 1 2018

Term 1 -
  • week 2 - Review past data & interventions
  • week 3 - identify target students,

Term 1 -
  • weeks 3-6 - Running Recs/Jam/eAsTTle Writing/GLOSS/Probe for all target students
  • week 6 - Whanau goal setting conference

Term 1 -
  • week 6/8/10 - monitor, reflect, share pedagogical changes and rich tasks at syndicate meetings
Term 2, 3, & 4 -
  • week 2/4/6/8/10 - monitor, reflect, share pedagogical changes and rich tasks at syndicate meetings
  • Assessment ongoing for formative monitoring and reporting purposes

Term 1, 2, 3 & 4
  • Collate data, evidence, student/learner voice, whanau feedback
  • Review, reflect, make changes,  START AGAIN
Maths inquiry goal for our syndicate

What do we want children to achieve?

Discussion around behaviour management - what are we going to do in our classes?

Thursday, 22 March 2018

#CoLweeklyupdate (T1W82018)

Here is my #CoLweeklyupdate for Week 8!

Next steps
If possible, I would like to..
  • do more academic reading about Autism, ODC, ADHD and Dyslexia - get the book my DP talked about and read it.
  • keep trying out the ear muffs, see if it is actually making a difference to learning or is it just a novelty.
  • try out strategies suggested by Donna.
  • do more small group focused teaching E.g. how to form a sentence, 
  • practice how to hold your tongue to make certain sounds (for Paul and the new girl) E.g. the 'th' in thought; you put your tongue between your teeth at the front of your mouth and sort of blow air out?. 

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

#CoLweeklyupdate (T1W72018)

Here is my #CoLweeklyupdate for Week 7!

Next steps
If possible, I would like to..
  • do more academic reading about Autism, ODC, ADHD and Dyslexia.
  • do more bold things to help Ryan in particular (possibly buying ear muffs?).
  • send academic data to Donna.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Saturday, 3 March 2018

#CoLweeklyupdate (T1W52018) Part 2

This is just to further discuss and analyse each of my 3 boys, identify where they are currently and what their next steps are (for both academic learning and key competencies).




#CoLweeklyupdate (T1W52018) - Part 1

This week I got to catch up with Donna and did a lot of observing/analysing. 

For further details about my 3 boys, see my next blog post.