Ryan - managing self
Ryan is really trying his best to challenge himself, even when he doens't like the thing in front of him. We were lucky to have the opportunity go to on a bouncy castle on Friday morning. At first, Ryan didn't want to go on at all and stood to one side as his classmates took their turns. I personally thought it might be a sensory thing, or the noise of the air blower/pump thing, but I didn't push him at all. After ten minutes or so, he started moving closer and closer and eventually took his first turn.. and loved it! He came up to me and said he changed his mind and he wanted to go on now. Good on him!
Another highlight has been how involved he is during inquiry time. He often wants to do inquiry instead of reading/writing/maths, and mostly I let him because he is doing some learning. He has learnt about the moon and took the oreo activity very seriously. He traces pictures of the planets and can explain what is in his picture in his own words which shows that he does really understand the content.
Kian - managing self
Kian was away all of this week.
Paul - relating to others/participating and contributing
Paul is doing really really well. He is loving being in a reading group with his friends. He is actively involved in the group discussion and adds value to the conversation about the text. Although the actual texts are above his reading ability, he listens and follows along when the rest of the group reads aloud so he gets the understanding orally. A highlight was Paul going around the class and offering to help his classmates with a particular learning task. For one of the first times, he was the helper, not the helped. His confidence has really grown when working in groups. DMIC maths has definitely aided this confidence growth as he has a role to lead in.
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