Monday, 16 April 2018

EdTechTeam - GAFE conference 2018 Day 1

"Literacy, innovation and equity are not add-ons, they are the business of education now!"

Keynote 1 - The relevant teacher

don't wait for your school to change - lead the change. 
The relevant teacher...
  1. Knows their role is different than it was in the past.
  2. Has gotten over themselves and their content. (asks themselves, is this knowledge important outside the classroom?)
  3. Not afraid of access to information (not asking their students Google-able information - they don't need you for that).
  4. Allowing students to use their devices on their exams (keeps working at school aligned with working as an adult).
  5. Meeting students where their at (not just learning wise, but socially as well - meeting students on Youtube, Twitter etc).
  6. Know a bit about branding and design - creating themselves as artists
  7. Reading books (E.g. Drive by Daniel Pink).
  8. Incorporate autonomy, mastery and purpose into their programme. 
  9. Putting ownership of learning back to students. 
  10. Encourage students to be their own finder and meaning maker - not relying on teacher to answer every question. (see video)
  11. Can think of something that they could get rid of from their programme.
  12. Embrace the 'side-quest'.
  13. Are no longer accepting junk, because they know something about design.
  14. Have super powers - can take ANYTHING, and use it for learning.
  15. Embrace interruptions (E.g. field trips, guest speakers etc). 

When teachers say 'my students are addicted to technology', they aren't. They are just choosing technology over the thing we went them to choose.

How am I being relevant?
I like that I include opportunities for students to create - not a specific thing to create, but create whatever they want to show their learning with whoever they want to show it with. They have choices. 

How do you stay relevant?
Be a learner.
Growth and change.

It might be uncomfortable to be the relevant teacher, but it will never be more uncomfortable than being a student who has an irrelevant teacher.

Session 1 - Choose Your Own Adventure Stories

Tips for writing
  • colour code on your plan - red is death, blue is a good step, green is beginning and end.
  • make sure each question is required
  • maybe when modelling, start by using a video. It will help the kids understand the setting and hook them into the reading/clicking.
  • Don't forget when you die, or at the end, to put in a 'you died, would you like to try again' section.

Session 2 - Classroom Management in a Personalized Learning Environment

  1. grounding in personalised learning
    1. key words - customised pathways, student ownerships, application, personal connections,  competency-based-progressions
    2. thoughts as we go - competency based progressions imply that our 'normal' system is hidden and not competency based, I disagree. how can you have 30 kids all doing different things at different times in the same single-cell classroom, wouldn't you be limited physically by the space? 
    3. my questions - what if you are in a single-cell class, does it run the same? how would you plan for this with 30 kids? what about other timetable-y things like kiwi-can, kiwi-sport, library, music etc, those would interrupt wouldn't they? they can learn wherever they are, but will still be judged/assessed/reported on based on their age. how does that work? 
    4. the groups questions about PLE
  2. questions and fears - 5 whys.
  3. case studies and concepts
  4. why personalised learning matters
    1. 5 why protocol - E.g. 
  5. answering unanswered questions
    1. this isn't a tool to purchase, its about mindsets..
  6. next steps
Extra learning - 5 why protocol, Google Slides Audience Tools (Q&A).

TOP TIPS for Classroom Management in the Digital Age

Session 3 - Create Incredible Lego Stories

Session 4 - design thinking and iExplore at Ormiston Primary

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