Friday, 1 September 2017

Jude Parkes - Writing inquiry sessions

What works in maths so far??
  1. Firm foundation of basic facts
  2. Talking about their learning
  3. Mini-workshops
  4. Identifying own goals - choice
  5. Using scaffolds 
  6. More time, more often
  7. Self and peer assessment (student voice)
What works for writing?
  1. Writing and reading links - reading examples of what we are writing

We need to look at
  1. LLPs - build our own content knowledge

Moving forward for writing
  1. set that firm foundation - do we as teachers know the LLPs (where students ARE working, as well as where they SHOULD be working). 
  2. Get the ELIP (English Language Intensive Programme) - online link
  3. Use SLLPs for ideas for planning units
  4. Use a variety of planning templates, be consistent with using them. Give them a plan and make them write a story, and the opposite.
  5. Gradual release of control model - not just me show and you do. What about the middle bit?
  6. Do we explicitly talk about the purpose of writing and who it is for (audience)?
  7. Ask students - what do you like about writing? What do you find tricky?
  8. Word detectives - investigations - root words, suffixes, prefixes, multiples, meanings, tenses, what kind of word is it, connections to phrases. E.g. centipede - pede means feet, thats where pedal comes from, centi means 100 thats where percent comes from.
  9. Use visual clues for writing 'check lists' - do I have full stops? How many ands do I have? Do I have each of the simple, compound and complex sentences?
  10. Are we utilising learning intentions and success criteria?
  11. Do we have 'what good writers' do? displayed in the classroom - take picture of the class and write 'we are all good writers, we...' with stuff around it.
  12. Do we have the writing process displayed? Is there consistency throughout the school about the terminology?

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