Thursday, 6 April 2017

Ready to Read series - updates and changes.

Today Aireen, my schools reading recovery teacher, led a meeting about the changes about the ready to read series.

Changes in Ready to Read series -
  • the levelling process has been changed to make the difficulty more gradual and steady
  • Orange and above have a approximate year level equivalent 
  • Existing texts were audited and some were relevelled (either colours or sub-levels). Those that did change were re-printed and sent to schools with new levels.
  • They have identified gaps in the series which will be filled over time.
  • Planning is underway for more non-fiction books.
  • Students entering school at 5 years old do not need to start guided reading at Magenta level - rather their goal is to develop early print concepts (e.g. reading from left to right, expecting the story to make sense and have a message, words have meaning).
  • Here is a list of ALL the RTR books with updated levels
Questions I asked - 
  • How long is it supposed to take to move from one colour to another? One sub-level to another? If it is taking longer than that, what can I do?
  • Are you supposed to use PM/RTR or both?


  1. This caught my eye Ashley as, although it has been decades since I taught New Entrants, I still am very interested in the foundation texts the NZ govt provides for early reading. I will be interested to hear how you find the re-levelling (if you do use R2R with your learners).

    1. I do use them with my very low readers, maybe I'll do an update later in the year!


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